"Just Because!" (Romans 5:8)
/“Next week Tuesday will be a special day, so come home early!”
“Ok Dad!”
What was this about? A special day? That sounded good but I was confused. I was eight years old and my parents were behaving in a peculiar manner. They didn’t usually play games with me like this. The days dragged leading up to that Tuesday and each day, my parents would remind me of the day. Finally the day arrived and I was anxious to see what it all meant. My parents escorted me into the living room and on the table, was a cake with the words, “We Love You, Paul. Love, Mom and Dad.”
“I don’t understand,” I stammered. “Is this for my birthday? That’s not for two more weeks.”
My parents smiled and said, “No it’s not for your birthday, We will celebrate it, don’t worry. We just wanted to do this to let you know we love you. Just because.”
I was dumbfounded! It was such a complete surprise and such a beautiful expression of their love.
Just because they love me.
Although my parents showed me love in many other ways, this special day never happened again. And perhaps this is why it is even more meaningful to me.
What greater reason can there be to give a gift to someone just to show they love you? No works, no obligation, simply an act of love to be received and cherished.
...But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 (ESV)
This beautiful and touching memory points my heart in the direction of God when I think about what Jesus Christ did for me. I did nothing to deserve His gift of salvation. I can never earn His love. I can never be good enough, smart enough, or kind enough to merit any of His favor. It is only by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ that I am a redeemed sinner in the sight of God.
My parents created a lasting and beautiful memory for me, just because they loved me. Jesus gave me salvation and eternal life, just because He loves me.
Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.