Set the Timer! (John 14:26)
/A weekly chore of mine is to make sure our swimming pool is filled to the proper water level. The process involves turning on the water for approximately 45 minutes then turning it off when it reaches the designated level. For years, I did this without a glitch. But one day, after turning on the water, I became busy doing other things then left for an appointment. About 8 hours later, I returned home and the sight of water overflowing the front yard and our drains told the tale. From that day forward, I made it a rule that whoever (am I listening?) fills the pool with water will set the timer! Since then, there have been several occasions when I have set the timer then busied myself with other activities, only to have the beeping alarm remind me of prime responsibility for the moment. Set the timer!
My spiritual life could use a similar timer. How often have I started a spiritual discipline with good intentions, only to be quickly distracted by another activity? An early morning prayer and devotional gets derailed as my thoughts meander to the upcoming meeting in a few hours. My daily Bible study becomes a jump to other books that discuss the passage but take me away from just meditating upon God’s Word. Thanks be to God that He has provided a timer, a spiritual reminder. His Holy Spirit reminds me to keep my thoughts and activities focused upon God.
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
John 14:26 (ESV)
When I am distracted and take my eyes off of God, His Holy Spirit keeps me focused. He illuminates passages in my Bible. He brings to mind people for whom I should be praying. He guides me in activities that will honor God and allow me to be salt and light of Jesus Christ in this world.
Set the timer! I am thankful that God has given me His Holy Spirit to keep me on His schedule!
Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.