"What Does Daddy Do?" (Proverbs 22:6)
/I have a friend whose wife has a gift for entertaining and hosting parties. The other day, he was recounting a conversation he had with his young son.
“Dad, Mom sure loves to plan parties, doesn’t she?”
“That’s right, son. She is very good at doing this. This is what Mommy does.”
Seizing upon a teachable moment, my friend asked his son, “And what does Daddy do?”
With a thoughtful pause, my friend’s son replied, “Get out of debt!”
We both laughed uproariously! My friend is fond of listening to Christian financial management programs when he was driving. He is a very successful businessman and owns many properties. He is always finding ways to teach his son about finances and one of his guiding principles is to stay out of debt. With a broad grin, he proclaimed, “I guess all those programs are rubbing off on him!”
No question!
As parents, we are one of the most important influences upon our children. They are observing everything we do and listening to everything we say. It is a sobering reminder that I must guard against callous comments, always making sure my behavior is consistent with my speech. But the most important life lesson I can give my children is to learn about God.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)
Even though I did not accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior until I was in college, my mother was wise and kind enough to instill Christian values into me when I was a child. Without preaching, she would demonstrate the Christian principles of love, sacrifice, and humility to our family and others. Years later, when she went home to be with the Lord, many friends of her came to me and recalled with great fondness, her loving and gentle spirit. She was a great example of the love of Jesus Christ.
I am thankful for a faithful mother, who loved and feared God. Her faithfulness helped to pave the way for my faith and eventual acceptance of God in my life.
What does Daddy do?
All I want for my children is to teach them to love and trust the Lord and to keep our family strong.