Extending Grace (Hebrews 4:16)

I recently ended a professional relationship with one of my dermatology clients. Over four months behind in payments, I had repeatedly spoken to the owner and offered suggestions on how to work this out, all to no avail. I had no choice but to finally address the issue in blunt terms.


“We are now coming to the end of the month and in less than a week, you will receive another invoice for my services. You will then be four months behind in your payments. I have tried to extend grace to you but this is affecting our bottom line and we need to have some reassurance from you that you will pay.”


“We have no money.” I anticipated this answer but knew there were always credit lines to tap or other sources of revenues. It was a matter of priorities and in the mind of the owner of this dermatology clinic, we were low on the food chain of vendors that had to be paid.


“How about credit?”


“I can only give a partial amount.” The offer was less than 20% of what they owed me. Not the answer I wanted to hear but again, not unexpected. My options were exhausted.


“I have tried to extend grace to you and your company but I have reached my limit. I have sent you numerous emails, text messages, and tried to work with you but you have not tried to meet us part way.” I paused and sighed. “I have no choice but to end our relationship and no longer be the medical director of your laboratory. You will have my resignation letter by tomorrow.”


And with that, the attorneys took over.


Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Hebrews 4:16 (ESV)


The limits to my patience were reached and I felt that I could no longer extend any grace to this client. I bemoaned the limits of my grace and pondered the stark contrast to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. No matter how many times I have sinned, I can always come to Him and receive mercy and grace in time of need. But I must come with a repentant heart, one that truly desires forgiveness. And if I do, He is faithful and just to forgive me.


Extending grace. Thanks be to God that there is no limit to God’s grace if I have placed my trust and faith in Jesus Christ.


Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.