Tuna Sandwich and Ramen (Galatians 6:7)

When I was in 5th grade, I purchased my lunch from the school cafeteria. Of the many delectable offerings, the two that usually caught my attention was a tuna sandwich and a bowl of ramen noodles. Usually I would purchase one or the other but on this one day, I was particularly hungry, so I decided to purchase both, knowing that it would quickly deplete the funds I was given for lunch that week. When I presented my food to the cashier, I was surprised that she didn’t charge me the full price, but only for the price of the tuna sandwich. I was young and mischievous and didn’t point out her apparent error. Here was a chance to get a deal!


The next day, I presented the same two items. Same thing happened! This was too good to be true! I was getting two items for the price of one! This happened a third time but by then I was feeling guilty. In fact, I wondered if she was making the same mistake with others who purchased this same combination. A casual observation of other patrons could not answer this question. My guilt got the better of me and I did not purchase these two items for a few days. But by the next week, I wanted to see if I could still get away with my scheme. I presented the same two items but this time only gave money for the tuna sandwich. Without hesitating, she looked at me and said, “You only gave me enough for the sandwich, you need to pay for the ramen!”


“Oh!” I was flustered. “Here you go!” I was about to leave but she wryly looked at me and said, “You know, I think I have been undercharging you for your lunches. Did you know that?”


“I..I didn’t realize that.” I was never a good liar and it showed.


“Well, we’ll let it go, but now you know.”


Indeed, I did.


Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.

Galatians 6:7 (ESV)


I may have thought I was getting away with a steal, but God will never be mocked. Even though I was not yet a believer, He spoke to me through my conscience. Years later, when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I understood the true meaning of living a life that was accountable to God. It is easy to be on good behavior when I am being observed or under the scrutiny of others. But do I hold myself to the same high level, the same morality, if I think no one else is watching or is aware of my sins?


I can only do so because I have confessed and repented of my sins and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. His Holy Spirit indwells within me and convicts me through my conscience.


God is not mocked and I pray that I am now sowing seeds of love and grace rather than fraud and hurt.


Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.