A Dinner Prayer for His Patient (Philippians 4:6)

My spiritual godfather was a God-fearing man and a great man of prayer. From the moment I met him, I saw so many things in him that I wanted to emulate. Even a before dinner prayer took on new significance when he prayed. At one family dinner, he led our two families in prayer. After thanking God for the food, he then added, “And Lord, please watch over the little girl, whom I saw this morning, who has the kidney cancer. Please give her strength and healing and comfort her family.”


He was the director of pediatric dentistry for a major tertiary medical center. He treated thousands of children and dealt with many life threatening illnesses. I was touched that he would single out this very ill patient whom he saw earlier that day. I later learned that he would often do this so his entire family would also be encouraged to pray for his patients.


My godfather’s faithfulness and honesty in prayer left me with a lasting impression. At the beginning of each day, I pray for my patients. But like my godfather, some patients do stand out, particularly the ones with serious and life threatening diagnoses. For these patients, I will single them out by name and follow up with the referring physicians.


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

Philippians 4:6 (NKJV)


Prayer must always underlie everything I do. I am thankful for the skills that God has gifted me to care for patients, but if it is not empowered by prayer to God, it is not dedicated to Him. Through the example of my spiritual godfather and many other saints whom I have met, God has shown me that a life of prayer is the life God wants me to lead.




Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.