Hypocrite (2 Kings 17:33)
We meet or read about them everyday. When the perpetrator is a celebrity or leader, it makes a greater impact upon us, as if, somehow, we think they should know better. Everyone is familiar with the examples. There is a well known talk show host, touting how his advice can save a marriage, in spite of the fact that he has been married three times. There is the politician who vehemently campaigns for tougher immigration laws but employs undocumented workers in his home. It is a litany of bad morals and behavior.
Not surprisingly, the Bible provides numerous examples. The following verse stood out as a particularly egregious example.
They feared the Lord, yet served their own gods—according to the rituals of the nations from among whom they were carried away.
2 Kings 17:33 (NKJV)
The tragic downward spiral of the northern kingdom of Israel is the historical background for this Bible verse. As I read this passage, I experienced the same disappointment as when I read of a leader caught in hypocrisy. It sears my soul, because it is a reflection of my hypocritical attitude. No, I do not carry wooden idols but I do carry my idols of pride and greed. I do not offer sacrifices at a pagan temple but I do spend money on frivolous worldly activities.
I am a sinner and as God has graciously and mercifully extended His forgiveness to me, so should I extend forgiveness to others. I, and others, do not need lectures pointing out our hypocritical behavior. I need a Savior-we all need a Savior. I needed to confess and repent of my sins and accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. My heart had to first change. Only then did l acknowledge my fallen state and seek to change and end my hypocritical behavior.
I am still one of them.
Thanks be to God for His grace and mercy to transform my life through belief in His Son, Jesus Christ!
Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.