J.P.O. (2 Corinthians 5:20)
/Nearly all schools in the United States have traffic crossing guards. These dedicated individuals are stationed at busy intersections, ensuring that children and adults are able to safely cross during the busiest times, before and after school is in session.
Hawaii has an interesting variation for this familiar position, the J.P.O.-Junior Police Officer. This organization still exists as a division of the Honolulu Police Department. When I was in 5th grade, I proudly served. We were given yellow helmets emblazoned with the letters J.P.O. and wore an orange vest and were required to wear shoes. The latter item of dress was distinctly unusual in Hawaii, at a time when the normal foot attire was bare feet or slippers/flip-flops. We had a uniform! We were official!
It was quite a head trip. Holding a large stop sign connected to a metal pole, I would step out into a major three lane highway during a break in the traffic and force all the cars to stop. Me, a little ten year old kid, stopping peak traffic flow, before and after school. Such power, such authority, and such danger.
In retrospect, what I was doing was extremely dangerous. Knowing what I now know about the inattentive driving habits of people, an errant driver could have easily plowed into me. Thankfully, no serious issues or injuries ever arose. At that young age, I was completely ignorant of the dangers, all I knew and cared about is that I had the authority of an adult police officer. For this small plot of space and time, I represented the Honolulu police department.
Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God.
2 Corinthians 5:20 (NKJV)
When I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I also gained a new identity. It was not just me, but me with the Holy Spirit indwelling within me. I am being transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. I represent Him in this world and am empowered to act by His Name.
Like the J.P.O., there is power, authority, and danger when I am a Christian. Others may respect me, fear me, or even hate me. I did not understand the hate until many years later. This is the reality of the life I now live as a child of God. My focus should always remain upon Jesus Christ as I represent Him in this life. I represent the Truth of His Gospel for there is no other Name, in Heaven or on earth by whom we may be saved.
Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.