"I'm A Third Generation Melanoma Patient!" (Romans 5:12)
/I received a phone call from a patient the other day. Over three years ago, I diagnosed a melanoma arising on her right elbow. After the diagnosis, she received additional treatment at a major university medical center and has been cancer free. She was calling me to request my assistance to help her find a new dermatologist since her medical insurance had changed. As we spoke and she updated me, I was elated to learn how well she was doing.
“Yes! I’m a third generation melanoma patient! My grandfather and father both had melanomas!’
“Oh my! Then it is very important for you to find an excellent dermatologist.”
“Yes, I go to my dermatologist every six months to get a complete body examination.”
“Wonderful! So glad you are doing well!”
It was gratifying to hear a melanoma success story. But our conversation gave me pause, so many diseases, including cancers, are familial. Genetic aberrations or mutations in one or more genes may place individuals at increased risk for these diseases. Embedded within our DNA, these damaged genes are passed onto future generations. It all began with the first humans, Adam and Eve, who disobeyed God’s commands and allowed sin to enter the human race and the world. The effects of sin are far more than pride, jealousy, and lust. Sin reworked our very genetic foundation, introducing mutations in our DNA, and damaging our genes. Disease is the direct result of sin.
Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned—
Romans 5:12 (NKJV)
The human race bears the ravages of sin with disease and death. But there is hope. By confessing and repenting of our sins and accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we can break the terrible cycle of death and despair. When we die, we will receive a new, resurrected body in Heaven. It is the body that God intended for all of us to have. We have this promise because Jesus Christ conquered death and was resurrected by God after His crucifixion.
For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead.
1 Corinthians 15:21 (NKJV)
This Man is Jesus Christ. Through believing in Him, there will be more disease, no death, no tears.
Praise God!
Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.