Sinning By Not Praying (1 Samuel 12:23)

The great preacher, Charles Spurgeon, delighted in taking visitors to his church basement, where groups of faithful were on their knees praying. He would proclaim, “Here is the powerhouse of the church!” Spurgeon knew that he owed the success of his church to the continued prayers of his congregation.


When I lived in Denver, Colorado, I joined a Baptist church. It was founded a year earlier and there was a tremendous excitement with the young pastors and growing congregation. I joined in the excitement, attending prayer meetings with the men and pastors of the church before every Sunday morning service. We also met for prayer on Wednesday evenings before our mid-week service. Our Sunday morning and evening services had a time for prayer and a call for anyone to come forward and kneel at the altar, bringing their prayers to God. After church, there were elders and deacons ready to pray with anyone who desired this.


This was a praying church and God mightily blessed it! Prayer is the powerhouse of the church!


I have seen the power of prayer work in my life and in the lives of other believers. I believe in the power of prayer. Prayer is a privilege, and regrettably, I often take it for granted. If things are going well in my life and for others, I may not pray as fervently as I should. When things are going awry, I may pray but with a resignation that nothing can really be done about.


Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you; but I will teach you the good and the right way.

1 Samuel 12:23 (NKJV)


The Prophet Samuel addressed the Israelites when Saul was coronated as the first king of Israel. His words still resonate today. Prayer is a privilege that allows us to commune with God.  But it is more than that. If we do not pray for others, we disobey God’s commands. We fail to love our neighbor as ourself, and this is a sin. Job learned this when his fortunes were restored by God after he prayed for his friends. (Job 42:10). My prayers need to go beyond my needs and seek God’s blessings for everyone whose lives touch mine.


I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to fill every believer with the desire and fervor to seek God in prayer.


Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.