"Don't Tell Our Staff!" (Ecclesiastes 9:12)
/A few weeks ago, the president of one of our laboratory partners requested an urgent meeting with me. When we met, she dropped a bombshell. “We are closing our laboratory. Our last day will be two weeks from today.”
I was stunned. This laboratory serviced many of our dermatology clients and was known for their excellent technical work. Our company had maintained a close working relationship with them for nearly ten years.
“Why are you doing this?” I questioned.
Her countenance dropped. “We can’t make it work financially. Ever since the Medicare cuts, we thought we could hang on, but we have been running in the red for the past year. The cuts are continuing and we see no other solution.”
I nodded and searched for a way to ease her pain. “Can I do anything to help you or your lab?”
She smiled. “Don’t tell our staff! You are the first person, besides the other owners, to know this. I wanted to meet with you first since you are our biggest customer.”
“I won’t tell, promise. I will wait until you let me know.”
I quickly called a meeting with my staff and let them know of the situation. We had two weeks to find another laboratory to service our dermatology clients. I also emphasized that this was confidential and no one could share this news with any of our clients or their lab employees when we called their lab.
“Don’t forget the couriers!”
Right! One of my staff reminded us that their lab also sends their couriers to our office everyday. We needed to be careful and discreet when we saw them.
I shook my head. “Wow, that is a sad situation, knowing these people will all be losing their jobs in two weeks, and they don’t even know about it.”
Over the next few days, I reflected upon this situation. I prayed for their company, that their employees would be able to find jobs and their president would share the disappointing news with them soon. Every time I saw one of their couriers, my mind replayed the secret I was hiding from them. Their lives were about to change for the worse and they did not know it.
For man does not know his time. Like fish that are taken in an evil net, and like birds that are caught in a snare, so the children of man are snared at an evil time, when it suddenly falls upon them.
Ecclesiastes 9:12 (ESV)
The loss of a job is devastating for anyone. As I wrestled with my promise to not reveal the truth, I reflected upon this situation and wondered, what if the information I was asked to keep confidential was even worse. What if I knew that their lives were ending in two weeks? What then? Would I break my promise to the president and tell them the truth? Of course I would. But as absurd as this hypothetical situation seemed, many people are facing the same fate. Everyone will die. Some are confident that when the moment of death approaches, they will accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. Until then, they are content to live a life spiritually separated from God, completely ignorant that they are on the road to hell and eternal torment. But as the Bible states, no one knows the moment of their death. At that critical moment, there may be no time for confession, no time to reflect upon one’s life, no time to ask Jesus to save you. In a moment, you will be eternally separated from God.
It does not have to be this way. Jesus is standing at the door of everyone’s heart and knocks. But you have to let Him into your life, He will never force His way in.
I kept my promise to the laboratory president and did not tell their staff. But I will never stop telling people about their need to confess and repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Such knowledge is too important and beautiful to hide from anyone. No one knows when they will die. Why delay? Make the decision now for your eternal salvation.
Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.