"I Want To Take My Children To Heaven With Me!" (Proverbs 22:6)

There are two major vacation periods for our family-spring break and Christmas. Each year, our family eagerly anticipates and plans these vacations. My wife is the expert in planning and she spends hours searching destinations, hotels, travel packages, and points of interest. The centerpiece of every vacation is food and most of our destinations are renowned as culinary centers of the world. Our children are eager participants since they are as enamored of food as my wife and I. I am happy and pleased to take my children with me!


Recently, I heard an interview on Christian talk radio of a woman who beamed how thankful she was that her two children attended a Christian school. She was blessed that her children were being firmly grounded in the Bible and learning how to live as a Christian in this world. “I want to take my children to Heaven with me!” she gushed.


Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)


There are many destinations to which our family may travel, but the most important one is set in eternity. I, too, want to take my children to Heaven with me! Everyone is accountable to God and must come to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. But before that moment, I, as a parent, must seek God’s guidance to raise my children in a godly home. Even if they do not feel like praying, we must continue to pray as a family. Our conversations must be directed to God, searching the Bible for the answers to deal with the complex problems of this world. And they must be encouraged to read the Bible, seeking daily nourishment from the Truth of God’s Word.


I love taking our children on our family vacations. We are creating a lifetime of memories. By God’s grace and mercy, my children have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I am comforted by His promises that they will be in Heaven with me someday.


And this is the best final destination for everyone, an eternal rest for our souls in the presence of Jesus Christ!


Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.