"I'm Confident In Your Abilities!" (Philippians 1:6)

I purchased an exercise machine as a Christmas gift for my wife. I wanted to surprise her and have it assembled before she came home. But I was also keenly aware that I am mechanically challenged. The vendor offered a paid service for someone to come and assemble it after delivery. When I purchased the machine, I declined the option but I began to have second thoughts. I wanted to see if I could still avail of the option so I called the vendor.


“Hi, I have a question about my recent order. I read some reviews that stated it is a relatively straight forward assembly. But I want to make sure I have a backup, just in case I start the assembly and discover I cannot finish it. Can I still order the assembly service after the machine arrives?”


“No problem,” the customer service agent cheerfully replied. “But it is a relatively straight forward assembly. In fact, all of us are required to assemble it so that we an assist other customers. Don’t worry, I’m confident in your abilities!”


It was a tongue in cheek comment by the customer service agent, but I took it to heart. I was able to assemble the machine in two hours, with the welcome and needed assistance of my wife. There was no way I could hide this behemoth in the garage long enough so that I could assemble it in secret. In the end, I was able to confirm the agent’s confidence in me. And my wife was very pleased with her Christmas gift.


And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Philippians 1:6 (ESV)


Expressions of confidence in another’s abilities may be met with uncertainty or disappointment. But God is confident that once we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we will continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of His Son, and be transformed into His image. God will complete His. He is completely confident of this.


I may not always be confident in my abilities, but thanks be to God, that He is always confident that He will complete our sanctification when we trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.




Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.