No Fear of Dentists (Ephesians 5:28-30)
/Within a few months after I met my wife, I knew I was madly in love with her. I implicitly trusted her with so many intimate thoughts and secrets of my life. But the time had come in our relationship when I had to trust her with something far more personal. She needed to examine my teeth!
My father was a dentist and up to that point in time, no other dentists had ever examined my teeth. The fear of dentists is a lament of many people. I have no concept of this. My father had steady hands and a gentle touch. He had tender way of injecting Novocaine so that I barely flinched. So, with great trepidation, I allowed my wife to examine my teeth. A myriad of thoughts raced through my mind as I reclined in her examination room. What if her hand is heavy? What if she hurts me? What kind of pediatric dentist would she be if she can’t even be gentle with an adult?
To my relief, the examination went very smoothly. In fact, it was even pleasurable! To this day, she continues to examine my teeth, evermore endearing her to me.
In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.
Ephesians 5:28-30 (ESV)
My expectations about my wife prejudiced my feelings about her. God reminds me that my expectations are not His. He expects me to nourish and cherish my wife as I would my own body. And when I do this, Jesus Christ is honored. False expectations lead to fear and anxiety. God’s expectations lead to peace and comfort.
And it is very pleasurable!
Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.