Two Trunks (Colossians 3:2)
/Tucked away in my garage are two metal trunks filled with my entire comic book collection. As a child, I collected comic books, and, like thousands of other collectors throughout the world, carefully stored each in specially made plastic bags. I would buy two copies of each, read one, meticulously handling the comic so that no creases would occur, and place both in separate plastic bags. I also rummaged through comic book collections at swap meets and garage sales, hoping to find a hidden gem of a rare comic book, lost amidst the myriad of comics that were being discarded. I kept the collection long after I stopped collecting because I was certain these comics would be worth a fortune someday. Stories of comic book collections selling for tens of thousands of dollars danced in my head. I intended to give the collection to my children, hoping to add to their inheritance.
Nearly 35 years later, I was quite dismayed to discover that the value of most of my comic books had plummeted. Not worthless, but certainly not worth the value I anticipated when I carefully collected them.
So many things I have owned, which once were valuable, have faded. When I think of the time and money that I invested in so many material possessions, like my comic collection, it is disheartening.
Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
Colossians 3:2 (ESV)
I still intend to give my children my comic collection. Whether it will amount to a financial windfall for them someday is uncertain. What is certain and far more important is the spiritual legacy I leave them. It is my responsibility to lead our family in their spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. The same care and attention I took in preserving my comic books, must now be showered upon my family. I must wrap them in God’s Word and seek God’s Holy Spirit to preserve and transform them into the image of Jesus Christ.
Someday, our family will stand before our Lord Jesus Christ, and give an account of our lives. I will be held accountable for leading my family. My desire in this life is to prepare them for an eternity with God. May God bless our family be helping us to set our minds upon Him above, not on earth below.
Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.