"Doctors, Engineers, and Pilots" (2 Corinthians 13:5)
/One of my employees has an interesting take on occupations. He lumps doctors, engineers, and pilots in the same category. When I queried him about the reason for this association, he stated, “Because if a mistake is made by anyone in these occupations, someone could immediately die.”
I am sure others could think about other occupations that may have an equally devastating impact upon a person’s life if a mistake were made, but I would have to agree with his sweeping statement. Knowing many in all of these occupations, I can attest that all take their work very seriously and are cognizant that if a mistake is made, the results could be tragic.
When we live with the knowledge that any decision we make could end tragically, how does that alter our behavior? We choose our words carefully, we think before we act, and we review our actions after completion. We revisit every encounter making sure we did not miss any critical step or bit of information.
In my spiritual walk with God, should my behavior be any different? The Holy Spirit guides my life but I need to choose to obey. My words, thoughts, actions all need to be controlled by Him. And I must continue to review my actions, testing them against the Word of God.
And I do so because I realize that all of my actions have an eternal significance, not only for myself but for others. While any decision may not lead to an immediate tragedy, if I neglect any step in my walk with God, it may lead to sin and backsliding. It may lead to a hardened heart unwilling to assist a neighbor. It may lead to ignoring the Holy Spirit’s direction in my life. The end result would indeed be tragic.
Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? —unless indeed you fail to meet the test!
2 Corinthians 13:5 (ESV)
All of our actions have an eternal significance. I must continue to hold all of my thoughts and actions captive to the Word of God. Whatever my occupation, I am first and forever a believer in Jesus Christ and a fellow heir with Him to God the Father.
Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life