"We Thought You Should Have This!" (1 Peter 4:10)
/When I was 11 years old, my parents sat me down in the living room. Their serious demeanour worried me since the living room was only used for guests and I wondered, “What did I do now?” My father began. “Son, you’re getting older now and your mother and I thought you should have this.”
They produced a suitcase-shaped object from behind their chair and placed it on the table in front of me.
“What is this?” I asked in obvious confusion.
“It’s a record player!” My dad was excited as he demonstrated the device. “See, the speakers fold up over the turntable.” The suitcase opened and the two speakers detached from the turntable. It was a portable record player!
“Wow! Thanks! This is a cool gift. Is this an early birthday gift?” I asked since my birthday was only 20 days away.
“No,” my parents both smiled. “We just thought you should have this.”
They gave me $10 dollars and told me to buy any record I wanted. I already was listening to songs on the radio but the record player now captured my attention and I listened to it everyday. With time, my parents helped me to add and improve this system. To this day, I have always owned a good audio system to enjoy my music collection.
Although my parents did not create my love for music, they significantly enhanced and accelerated my desire. God works within us in a similar manner and takes our good desires and magnifies them to be used for His glory. God took David’s skill as a shepherd and transformed him into the greatest king of Israel, foreshadowing the coming of the Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ. God used Saul’s zealousness to persecute the early Christians and transformed Him into the mightiest and most zealous missionary the Church has ever witnessed.
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace...
1 Peter 4:10 (ESV)
When God offers to give something to us, gladly accept it and ask Him to help you use it for His glory. Like the wonderful gift that my parents bestowed upon me so many years ago, it may ignite your desires in ways you never expected.
Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.