Trust Your Helper (Genesis 2:18)
/I recently concluded negotiations with another company. As I completed the review of their final offer with my wife, I was about to email my agreement when my wife stopped me. She questioned some of the language and felt that I should push for a higher level of compensation. I disagreed and thought the company had made a very generous concession to my requests. Unfortunately, our discussion escalated into an argument. I begrudgingly agreed with her proposal to ask for a higher level of compensation and submitted the proposal. We cooled down and made peace before we went to bed.
When I awoke the following morning, I was still uneasy with the proposal. During my morning prayer time, God very clearly spoke to my heart. “One way to trust Me is to trust the wife that I blessed you with to be your helper.”
Within two hours of that prayer, I received an email confirmation that my counter offer for a higher level of compensation was matched.
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
Genesis 2:18 (ESV)
There are many reasons that God blesses a man with a wife. She is my best friend, confidante, and a wonderful mother. But today, God showed me that a helper can encourage my trust in God’s promises to care for me, to give me plans for my good welfare and not evil.
Men, if God has blessed you with a wife, do not stop giving thanks to Him. Trust your helper. God gave her to you!
Love and trust the Lord: seek His will in your life.