"I Don't Have a Will" (Romans 10:13)

A friend of mine underwent surgery the other day. On the eve of the surgery, he remarked to me that he had quite a bit of anxiety about the procedure. This angst was exacerbated when he was asked to complete the surgical consent form. One of the questions was particularly troubling to him. “Do you have a will or advanced directive?” With a pained look, he shook his head and said, “I don’t have a will.”

I nodded in silence. So many emotions and decisions are wrapped in this word. A will is to take care of those whom you love, after you have passed. These are very important decisions. But who will take care of you when you pass? The most important decision everyone needs to make is their eternal destiny. Do you know what will happen when you die?

God is placing you in the path of His grace to let you know that He is continually drawing you toward Him. For God does not wish any to perish but for all to come to eternal life. God speaks to all of us through many different people, through books and movies, through the beauty of His creation, and through His Word, the Bible. And it is all to bring each of us to the point to make the decision to call upon His name.

For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Romans 10:13 (ESV)

There is no better time than now to place your complete trust in God, by turning from your past life, and believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. God does hear the prayers of all who call upon Him. And if you confess and repent of your sins and turn to Jesus Christ, He is faithful and just to forgive you.

Let your will become His will.

Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.