All in the Family (Acts 17:6)
/Much of the history of the world has been directed by dynasties-powerful individuals in families. A quick overview of European history yields the Hapsburgs, the Rothschild's, the Tudors. Asian history yields the Japanese emperors and the Sultans of Brunei. American history yields the Rockefellers, the Kennedys and the Bush family.
What about the Bible? Abraham and his descendants are the Jews of today. All of the Kings of Judah were descendants of King David and his family. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is a direct descendant of David from both His mother’s and father’s lineage.
I am intrigued that, within Jesus’ immediate family, an impressive legacy was left. Jesus’ cousin was John the Baptist and John’s father was Zacchaeus, an important priest of the temple. Jesus’ brothers, Jude and James, became leaders of the church and authors of two books in the Bible. His mother Mary became an important supporter of the early church, present in the upper room when Peter directed the Apostles to select another to replace Judas. There may be others, we cannot be sure. Undoubtedly not all relatives of Jesus were convinced that He was the Messiah and God. In fact, the Bible states that, at first, not even His brothers believed in Him. But with certainty, these aforementioned men and women, related to Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit, went on to change the world, a change that continues to this day.
If you are a Christian believer, your salvation is secure and you are a part of the family of God. But as a wise person once said, “God does not have any grandchildren.” If you were raised in a Christian home, attended church or Sunday school, or even received a baptism, it does not assure you of your salvation. Even being born into a family that had Jesus as your sibling does not guarantee salvation! Only by confessing your sins, repenting, and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, are you able to be called a child of God. And once this happens, God will work through your life to spread the Gospel.
And when they could not find them, they dragged Jason and some of the brothers before the city authorities, shouting, “These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also,...”
Acts 17:6 (ESV)
It is all in the family. Will you leave a legacy of faith like the family of Jesus? Will you and your descendants turn the world upside down? Pray to God to use you and transform you into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.