"This is how I learn Chinese!" (Colossians 3:16)
/Many years ago, I visited the home of a friend who was eagerly learning the Chinese language. To assist him in his memorization, he collected pieces of paper with the Chinese characters and pronunciation in English written on them, and placed the papers on common objects in his home, like a lamp, table, chair, and bed. Thus, wherever he turned, the papers reminded him of the Chinese word. With an excited flourish of his arms, he exclaimed, “This is how I learn Chinese!”
We should all be so diligent to study and memorize God’s Word! If we placed Bible verses around our home, our workplace, our car...wherever we spend time, would it begin to sink and saturate our consciousness? For years I struggled to memorize Bible verses. While I could quote the general idea and state the book of the Bible, I could not quote it directly from memory. The Holy Spirit convicted me my sin of neglect and laziness and put me to work.
In my study, in my garage, even in my closet, Bible verses are now displayed. In my office, verses are placed on every wall and in the office bathroom. There is hardly a place I can turn, at work or home, where God’s Word is not displayed. And slowly, I was able to memorize the Bible verses. My stubbornness gave way to God’s gentleness.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Colossians 3:16 (ESV)
For so many years, I did not allow God’s Word to richly dwell within me. No more. Now, in difficult situations, God’s Word more readily comes to my mind and lips, complete with book, chapter, and verse. In times of prayer and meditation, God’s Word saturates my words. And in times of fellowship, God’s Word is a ready instructor and guide.
This is how I learn God’s Word!
Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.