"You Don't Understand!" (Proverbs 26:12)

Our laboratory recently underwent a state inspection. This is a mandatory review of our entire laboratory that occurs once every two years. Every laboratory in the United States must be certified by this accrediting agency in order to practice medicine.


My laboratory has always passed the inspection, usually with kudos from the inspectors. Our quality assurance program, designed to identify potential errors before an incorrect report is delivered to the referring physician or patient, has been lauded by previous inspectors, who have even recommended it to other laboratories and dermatology offices as an example to emulate.


I fully expected this current inspector to be equally impressed with my program. Thus, I was greatly annoyed when this current inspector began to take my program to task. She felt it was too detailed and there was not enough evidence of corrective actions. I grew increasingly frustrated as I listened to her. “You don’t understand!” I stammered.  Although I attempted to explain my program, I could only hear myself speaking. I was upset that she was not honoring my program as previous inspectors had done.


The irony is the inspector had some helpful suggestions. However, my pride blinded me and muffled my ears, refusing to hear what she had to say. The next day, I prayed and repented of my sinful pride and arrogance. I implemented some of her suggestions into my program, acknowledging it was now even better with her recommendations. It was a painful but needed lesson in humility, one that I am sure I will be subjected to, many more times in my life.


Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

Proverbs 26:12 (ESV)


Alone, I will wallow in my pride and arrogance and refuse to accept advice and constructive criticism. I am a fool. And this is why the only hope I have is accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. By confessing and repenting of my sins, Jesus begins the immediate transformation of my life. My pride and arrogance are replaced with humility and gratitude for what He has done for me. I am by no means perfect, but with God’s grace and mercy, He will continue to perfect me in this life.


You don’t understand?


No. I don’t understand. This is why I need Jesus Christ.


Love and trust the Lord;  seek His will in your life.