It Still Hurts (Proverbs 14:10)

When one is excluded from a previously close and comfortable relationship, it hurts. Many years ago, I witnessed this with my own daughter. She was only 7 years old and was best friends with another girl of the same age. That year, a new girl entered the school and soon became friends with my daughter and her friend. However, a closer friendship emerged between the new girl and my daughter’s best friend. At one point, my daughter was excluded from activities that she was accustomed to sharing with her best friend. She did not understand this change and asked us why her best friend was now spending more time with this new girl since the two of them had been friends for a far longer period of time. Although I understood the pain, it was difficult to explain the situation to her satisfaction. Thankfully, within a short period of time, all three girls became closer than ever and no rivalry emerged.


I wish all conflicts and hurts within relationships could have such a happy ending. Sadly, this seems to be the exception and this same pain from rejection or exclusion, occurring in childhood relationships, replays with adults. Relationships that I take for granted are sometimes far more fragile and shallower than I would like to believe. It is the invitation to a birthday celebration for a friend’s child that was expected but never received; it is the isolation of our family because of our son’s special needs. Although my life experiences and maturity may better prepare me as an adult for these unexpected turn of the events, it still hurts.


The heart knows its own bitterness, and no stranger shares its joy.

Proverbs 14:10 (ESV)


During these times, I have only one direction to turn-upward and outward to God. I may understand the reasons for the pain, but it only rarely dulls the heartache. I need my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to bring healing to my soul. Only Jesus truly understands the bitterness in my heart. Only Jesus can bring healing and return unto me the joy of living.


Thank you Jesus!


Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.