It's Too Late! (Psalm 119:24)

During these past few months, we have met with several school counselors in preparation for my daughter and son entering high school and middle school respectively. We are grateful to attain wise counsel from these professionals but the experience has been daunting and a wakeup call to the extremely high expectations that are now demanded of our children, regardless of their age.

One counselor for our daughter looked at us and said, “It’s good that we are meeting now, in the summer before she starts high school. Lots of kids come to me in their 10th and 11th grades and by then it is too late! I can’t help them!”

What a sobering statement! Not even an adult and your child’s life is already ruined! They are immersed in a society and culture that demands better than perfection. The counselors also assume that the entire family wants success, sometimes at the expense of the child. As parents, we are mindful of the unique pressures that are now placed upon our children and we need to place all activities within its proper perspective.

Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors.
Psalm 119:24 (ESV)

The relentless pace of life should make us refocus our priorities. Counselors do have an important role for our children but as the Bible reminds us, the most important counselor is the Word of God. Our hearts and priorities must first seek God’s will for our life. It is only by the peace and wisdom of God are we truly able to place all activities within the proper perspective and not be caught up with the pace of the world.

Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.