Jesus Is Praying for Us (Luke 22:31-32)
/When I gather with other Christian believers, it is not uncommon for us to share our prayer needs and concerns. At our partings, we often end with a phrase such as, “I’ll pray for you.” It is comforting and binds me with my fellow Christian brothers and sisters. But sometimes I wonder if I will keep my word?
I allow my heart to be pulled in so many different directions and although I may reassure another believer that I will pray for them, I may not pray for them with the fervor or intensity that I pray for my own selfish needs. I may even forget to pray for them. It is a sad testimony to the weakness of my own faith. What hope do I have when I cannot even follow through with a simple task of promising to pray for a fellow believer?
Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.
Luke 22:31-32
The Bible reminds us that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is praying for us! Unlike my fickle and lapses in follow-through, Jesus can be trusted with His promises to us. What greater reassurance can there be than knowing that the God of the Universe is attending to my every need? My life needs to be continually yielding to His Holy Spirit to allow me to be ever more sensitive to the prayer needs of my fellow believers, and less concerned about fulfilling my selfish desires.
Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.