Dad, Control Yourself! (1 Corinthians 9:27)
/When I am excited about something, I tend to overdo it. My physical expressions are animated, my speech is pressured, and my actions are put into overdrive. Call it a manic tendency, but I have always gravitated to these passionate outbursts when something grabs my attention. If others are around, I sometimes grab them and say, “Don’t you agree?” My family just rolls their eyes when I get into these episodes. My son has the perfect antidote for this. He will laugh and say, “Dad, control yourself!”
One thing is certain, I will get excited about something again, fail to control myself, and my son will need to remind me once again.
But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.
1 Corinthians 9:27 (ESV)
The Apostle Paul knew the importance of self-control. He wrote to the Corinthian church to remind them that when he gave his life to Jesus Christ, he relinquished all control and disciplined his body. He willingly did this because he knew the life he now lived was out of gratitude for what Jesus had done for him. He was not working to earn his salvation but to someday receive a reward for successfully finishing the race of life. And as he ran this race of life where God had placed him, he would be willing to do anything and be all things to all people so that the name of Jesus Christ would be honored and glorified through his life.
I may not always be able to control myself but thanks be to God that He is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that I could ever think, ask, or imagine! He is slowly changing me and allowing me to discipline my body and mind. And God continually reminds me of His promises to me by His firm but gentle Word.
Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.