Daily Devotional (Psalm 119:105)
/There are a plethora of excellent daily devotionals. Some of them, like Oswald Chambers’ My Utmost for His Highest are considered classics. I have read many of them and have taken great inspiration and have deepened my faith.
Each devotional takes a verse or verses and illuminates some life lesson. Whenever I read these devotionals, as wonderful and insightful as they are, I could not help but think that all of these devotionals are simply pointing to God’s Word and I would rather read God’s Word instead of someone’s insights.
I was inspired by the story that President Abraham Lincoln read a chapter from Proverbs everyday, so I decided to create my own devotional based upon the wisdom of God’s Word. There are 31 proverbs and 150 psalms. Thus beginning on the first day of the month, I begin reading Proverbs 1 and Psalms Chapters 1-5. The next day is Proverbs 2 and Psalms Chapters 6-10, and so on. If the month has 30 days, I will read Proverbs 30 and 31 on the last day. If the month has 31 days, I read five chapters of the Psalms of my choice. If it is the month of February, the 28th or 29th day will be spent reading extra chapters of Proverbs and Psalms, Ecclesiastes, or the Song of Solomon. In this manner, the entire Books of the Proverbs and Psalms are read through twelve times a year.
This takes place during my quiet time which is usually in the morning. I have organized my daily Bible study in a similar fashion to ensure that I read through the rest of the entire Bible in an orderly fashion.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalms 119:105
I used to marvel at people stating how they would continue to gain new insights and see how God could speak to them through the Bible. But once I began a serious and diligent reading of the Bible, I saw this in my own life. It is absolutely true that God’s Word is alive! God’s Word truly enlightens my path and I turn to it for answers to all of the problems I face in life.
I am absolutely convinced that when we go to Heaven, we will be judged by how diligently we read the Bible and applied it to our lives and to those around us. In the United States, there is such a tremendous access to many translations of the Bible in numerous formats. There is no excuse to not have a Bible and to read it. There are even Bibles that have devotionals placed side by side with God’s Word. But for myself, the only true devotional is spent reading God’s Word alone.
Praise God for the gift of His Holy Word!
Love and praise the Lord; seek His will in your life.