The Buzzer Beater! (Romans 8:37)

The Friendship Circle is an organization of dedicated members and volunteers who provide many activities for children with special needs. One of the highlights of the year is a group outing to attend an L.A. Clippers basketball game. This year, at half-time, several of the older kids participated in full court basketball game, upon the actual court the Clippers play. In the last 10 seconds, something unexpected and simply amazing happened!

What kid doesn’t dream about making the last second buzzer beater? You’re the hero! The Game Winner! That glow will last a looong time, fueled by viral shares on the internet.

I would want that glow to last forever! Every moment knowing I am a winner!

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
Romans 8:37

God promises us that we will always be victorious when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  When you are on God's team, you are a winner and more than a conqueror!  Not even death can separate you from God's love!

It doesn’t get ANY better than that!

Amen! Aloha blessings!