Sunday School

The Sunday School classes for preschool through 5th grade are conveniently held at the same time as adult worship, starting at 9 AM and concluding at 10 AM. Nursery care is provided for infants and toddlers. Occasionally we have Family Worship where the Sunday School children join their families in the sanctuary to worship at 9 AM. They are then dismissed directly to their Sunday School classes around 9:15 AM. Your child will love our wonderful teachers and helpers as they learn about the love of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through songs, lessons, and crafts.


Join us every Sunday at 9 AM

we Are going through the SIMPLY LOVED curriculum!

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Simply Loved

We are currently using a curriculum by Group Publishing called Simply Loved. This curriculum goes through both the Old and New testament chronologically each quarter as it ties each lesson back to who God is. The lessons are designed to focus on creating relationships with the kids and emphasizing different aspects of God as the kids learn more about Him through the Bible stories. This curriculum keeps things fun and simple as the kids learn all about God and how much they are loved by Him!

For You, O Lord, are my hope, my trust,
O Lord, from my youth.

Psalm 71:5 (ESV)