This Sunday, the children’s bible lesson is from the Book of Hebrews. The writer of Hebrews wanted to explain the fullness of faith of the early believers by remembering how the men and women in the Old Testament had proven their faith. Faith is obeying God because we trust Him. By faith, we believe that God created everything from nothing.

Please read Hebrews 11:1-12:2 with your child.

Many people in the Bible had faith, and this pleased God. Abel had faith when he gave an offering to God, and God accepted it. Noah had faith when God told him to build an ark to rescue his family. Noah warned other people because he trusted that God was telling him the truth about the flood. 

Abraham had faith when God called him to leave his home. Abraham did not know where he was going, but he obeyed God. God made a promise to Abraham, and Abraham believed that God would keep His promise to him. Sarah had faith when she trusted God to give her children even though she was too old. God blessed Abraham and Sarah with a family as numerous as the stars in the sky.

Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Moses had faith in God. Rahab had faith when she hid the Israelite spies in Jericho. King David had faith in God too. All of these people trusted God, and so did many others.

Having faith in God is not easy. Many believers suffered and died before God’s promise of a Savior came true. Today, believers know that God has a great plan for us. God sent Jesus, His Son, to fulfil the wonderful plan He has for us. We can look to Jesus because in Him, all of God’s promises will come true. Jesus will come back again one day because God always keeps His promises.

Dear Lord, thank you for your Word where we can read about heroes of faith that put their trust in You. Jesus, we praise you for Your love and mercy each day. Help us to always trust and obey You. We believe that You will come back one day because God always keeps His promises. Amen