As my small group studied the importance of “Reckless Prayer”, I reflected on how my recent cruise vacation was an example of praying for “my will be done” instead of “God’s will be done”. During much of the “40 Days of Faith” series, Kevin and I were on a 20-day cruise around South America. By Day 15 the world news was all about COVID-19, the closing of borders and quarantining of cruise ship passengers. I read about deaths, empty shelves and sheltering in place. I was worried and anxious about the protection and health of our son, families, and friends. Then, on Day 19, the pandemic became real for us when we joined the fleet of ships stranded at sea when Peru and Chile closed their ports and turned our ship away.
As we now sailed without a destination, I wasn’t worried about my own safety, but I was terribly worried and more anxious about what was happening at home. I prayed for health and safety for loved ones, an open port, and not being placed under quarantine. I also started imagining various endings such as sailing up to Los Angeles and being quarantined on board. I would be OK with this outcome because I wanted to be back in the U.S. NOW. As the days passed, I became indecisive, not knowing what to do next except wander around the ship and wait for announcements. My prayers were still focused on what my needs were, rather than leaning on God’s sovereignty and trusting in His will and timing.
Left: Display onboard showing our ship’s travels. The display shows how close we made it to Peru, as it closed its borders then had to make a double u-turn. Above: Waiting our turn among the dozens of ships to transit the Panama Canal
But God already had a perfect plan in place. I first sensed the protection of God’s hand upon awaking to a glorious sunrise and seeing our ship surrounded by dozens of others after 6 solitary days at sea. The captain announced that we were waiting for transit through the Panama Canal with Miami as the final destination! Overwhelmed, I was reminded that God is always in charge and that I should have sought His will from the beginning even though letting go of control is difficult and reckless for me. Once I prayed for God’s will to be done unconditionally, I felt the peace and hope that comes from turning it all over to God.
LAX at noon on our arrival. Our plane home was just as empty!
God’s will WAS being done and His plan WAS being revealed in His perfect timing as I reflect back on those weeks. We weren’t stranded in Peru under military lock down. We weren’t struggling in South America trying to get on a flight to the U.S. Throughout our wanderings there was plenty of food and, most importantly, our ship was totally healthy and free of the coronavirus. After 5 more days at sea, the ship was given permission to dock in Miami, and the passengers were allowed to walk off the ship. We were driven to the airport, and soon, via an almost empty plane, flown home with no quarantine restrictions.
“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. (Jeremiah 29:11)
With Love in Christ,