I remember my parents being wonderful role models for me and my siblings, particularly when it came to serving others. My dad was a great provider for our family and my mom lovingly cared for us, especially by cooking delicious meals which we’ve all tried to replicate over the years. In addition to caring for our family, my parents modeled how to serve others in our community and church. My mom was the PTA president of both my elementary and junior high school and the leader of my Girl Scout troop. For many years, she led a women’s small group at Gardena Valley Baptist Church. My dad was a coach for my brother’s Little League team, a volunteer at the YMCA in a program cleverly called Y’s Men, and an officer for decades in various clubs like Sons of Hawaii and Hawaiian Golf Club. Even at 88 years old, my dad told me he plans to serve as an usher at his church once he completes the membership classes! So far, he’s gone to two of the three classes.
It was natural for me to serve others by following in my parents’ footsteps. In high school, I volunteered at the local hospital and served on the student council. When I became a Christian as a teenager, I was a cabin leader and taught Sunday school when I was a college freshman. As an adult, I was president of the local dental hygiene society, volunteered in the kids’ classrooms, was a team mom for basketball, and served on the PTA board. It was also natural for me to serve in children’s ministry while my three kids attended PVBC, and later lead a women’s small group. However, I’d like to share my faith story of “Reckless Service” that was not so natural for me. God had a plan to stretch my faith and trust Him in difficult circumstances, similar to what we are experiencing with this Coronavirus pandemic.
PVBC Missions team to osaka, japan
In 2016, God called me to serve on a mission team to Japan with a team of 12 adults and teens from PVBC that included my sister Linda and daughter Kimi. I was a bit out of my comfort zone, traveling out of the country for two and a half weeks without my husband Jeff. However, the thought of temporarily being apart from my husband was no comparison to the faith test that occurred a month before our mission trip.
At this point, we had been preparing for our trip to Japan for about five months when suddenly two significant life events happened. The first was hearing the devastating news that my dad was diagnosed with cancer, one year after my mom passed away. I was ready to cancel my mission trip to be with my dad, but God wanted me to trust him. Through prayer, God assured me that he would provide for my dad’s needs, beyond what I could’ve done. The men in our family were so supportive of my dad, including my brothers, my husband Jeff, and my brother in law Donn. Linda’s son Sean, who is a doctor, said he would accompany my dad to his first oncology appointment. In addition, my dad’s church family told my sister and me that they would provide meals while we were on our mission trip. I was at peace that Dad would be in good hands while I was away. As you can tell by my stories of my dad, he is doing well four years later.
The second thing that tested my faith just one week before our trip was when my retina tore, causing obstructed vision in my right eye. Fortunately, Dr. Kent, my optometrist was able to see me right away. He was volunteering at a free health clinic, along with an ophthalmologist. They were able to make a diagnosis and referred me to a retina specialist who performed laser surgery within hours. The doctor told me to return for a follow up appointment in one week. I nervously told him I had plans to be on a plane to Japan in one week. He said he could see me in a few days and determine if it was ok to travel.
As I sat in the reception room for the follow up appointment, anxiously waiting for the doctor’s assessment, I began meditating on two Bible passages. The first was Proverbs 3:5-6, the verses I claimed in preparation for my mission trip, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” The second passage was sent by my dear friend Cynthia. She emailed me Psalm 62:5-6 when she heard the news of my dad’s cancer and torn retina. “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.”
By meditating on God’s word and his promises, I experienced an unexplainable peace. I felt God’s presence with me and was ready to accept whatever news the doctor would tell me. As you figured out, I was cleared to travel to Japan. God gave me added assurance because my optometrist, Dr. Kent was on the mission team with me!
vacation bible school at suita bible gospel church
Our mission team had an awesome experience seeing God bless our efforts. We partnered with a large church in Osaka called Suita Bible Gospel Church. I thought it was pretty funny that our small church sent a team of 12 people, about 10 percent of our church, to help a big church of about 500 people! We did a week long Vacation Bible School program for 60 children. I heard our program was appealing to Japanese parents because they wanted their children to improve their English skills.
Linda and I also did seminars for the parents. Linda did a lecture on American education and I taught a class on “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. The VBS program was so amazing because 20 of the children attended the church, and those 20 invited 40 of their friends! We got to share the gospel with all these children who were hearing about Jesus and the Bible for the first time!. It was a blessing to serve God in Japan and I am so glad I was able to make the mission trip.
This all brings me to today and once again God is asking me and all of you to trust in him during these times of great uncertainty. Let me leave you with one more passage from God’s word. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
Take care, my PVBC family!
Love in Christ,