Blessings Received by the Members of Rev. Sam’s Bible Study:
“After the COVID-19 “Stay at Home” edict, I was first thinking that this is the absolute worst time to be talking about being reckless in any of our behaviors. But on second thought, it came to mind that during these trying times we need to be especially reckless...specifically, in our faith in God and our country.”
“We were encouraged to be generous because what we have is all from God, that it's more blessed to give than to receive and the more we trust in God's promises such as Matthew 6:33 and put Him first, we will have all what we need.”
“One thing that stands out to me when reading this book is the fact that my story is my story, and I could tell it to millions of people, and it may only resonate with just one person, but WOW what a blessing that would be if I can bring just one person to Christ. That would be amazing and I know it would please Jesus and leave Him with a smile.”
“Enjoyed the zoom meeting last night… As to my thoughts from Reckless Faith, the last two chapters: Reckless Prayers and Reckless Words really struck home for me as I feel the Lord is always with me when I regard Words and Prayers. During the good times, he laughs with me for he is happy… and I give thanks to Him. During bad times, I hear his words of encouragement or reprimand depending on the situation… catch myself and listen to his words and recover…”