
Location of Worship Service

  • Two open canopies on North side of Fellowship Hall, outside of Room 13, facing the open field.


  • Arrive via the back parking lot to park.

  • Masks, social distancing and hand sanitizing are required.

  • Mask-up before exiting your car.


Safety Guidelines for All

  • Please adhere to the Public Health guidelines posted and displayed on signs.

  • Vaccinated individuals must still abide by all safety protocols.

  • Stay within the 6 ft. markings on the walkway as needed.

  • Refrain from shaking hands, hugging, or other forms of physical contact.

  • If you have any flu-like symptoms or feel unwell, please stay home.



  • Attendees must check-in with the assigned registration person and/or sign-in at the registration table.

  • Names and contact information will be recorded for each service.

  • Masks, hand sanitizer, bleach solutions (CDC recommended), and an offering drop-off box will be available at the table for all to use as needed.

  • Hand sanitize before entering the tent.

  • The registration person will take temperatures and ask everyone in your party/family questions from a standard Covid-19 screening questionnaire. An attendee will not be permitted to attend worship or any ministry event if there is a “yes” response to any of these questions.

Guidelines Under the Canopy

Chairs & Seating

  • All attendees must bring their own chairs.

  • Those who need a chair will be given one and will be sanitized after use

  • Each attendee or their family/social unit must be seated 6 feet from each other.

  • An assigned usher will use a 6 foot pole to check social distancing and advise people.



  • Acrylic shields will be in place for each person speaking or singing (Pastor, each worship leader, personal sharing, etc).

  • Mic shields will be used and changed out after each speaker.


  • Congregational singing is limited to reflective humming with masks on.

  • Only worship leaders may be unmasked while leading but will remain behind acrylic shields.

  • Lyrics for the songs may be downloaded the night before from our website.


Restrooms & Church Facilities

  • Restroom entrance is via the outside walkway and in through the west Social Hall entrance only. (Near picnic tables)

  • Bathrooms will be cleaned with bleach solution before the service. This includes counters, toilets, light switches, etc.

  • Only one person will be allowed in the restroom at a time.


  • After the worship service or a ministry event, attendees will be instructed to clear the canopy area in order for assigned people to clean up.

  • Portions of the tent and parking lot will be available to meet and greet one another.

  • No water or refreshments will be served.

Worship Service Web and Technical Supports


Sermon Notes 

No slides will be projected during the service. They will be made available on our website on Saturday evenings. A text notification will go out when the service slides are available for download. Contact secretary@pvbc.com to be included in this notification. A web access point will also be available  on-site for downloads on the day of service. Instructions will be available at the outdoor worship.


To support members who prefer to worship online, a cell phone or video camera will be used to record the entire service (except for personal sharing). The edited and recorded worship service will be available at approximately 1:00 PM each Sunday at www.pvbc.com/worship.  

Children and Youth


Sunday School 

  • Sunday School Bible lesson videos will be posted online for the children to attend.  

  • Any children/youth that attend the worship service must sit with their family members.

Youth Ministries

  • Sunday Youth Ministry classes meet at the 11th hour via zoom.

Contact Tracing and PVBC Notification of Exposure

PVBC will comply with all requests from Public Health for contact tracing. Notification of exposure is essential to this process.  All information will be kept confidential unless the affected individual(s) gives consent to identify themselves.

Attendees who test positive for COVID-19, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic, should contact the pastor, church secretary, board moderator, or worship chair as soon as possible.

  • PVBC will then contact all who attended the same worship service or ministry event as the confirmed COVID individual via phone, text, or email. They will be informed

    • That a person who attended the same specified service tested positive for COVID-19,

    • That they may have been exposed, and

    • That those attendees should contact their personal health provider for further instructions for testing.

  • Attendees are expected to follow CDC guidelines for testing, self-quarantining if appropriate, and returning to health before returning to PVBC for on-site services or events.

  • Attendees who test positive for COVID are requested to refrain from attending in-person service/ministry events until the 10 day symptom free time period has passed or until they have tested negative for COVID-19 in accordance with CDC guidelines.

  • Note that Public Health may provide kits for COVID testing to individuals who have been exposed during their contact tracing investigation.

PVBC will provide any information needed by the provider to care for those exposed. 

The PVBC Board of Deacons reserves the option to pause in-person worship as each situation dictates for the health and safety of all concerned.

We will be in prayer for the attendees and the affected individuals and will lend any supportive information as requested by Public Health or other regulatory agencies.