"I Am My Father's Brand!" (Galatians 3:26)

I recently attended a memorial service for a friend’s father who went home to the Lord. At the service, her brother gave an eloquent and powerful eulogy for their father. He recounted the life lessons he learned from his father through every decade of his life. The son understood that his life reflected the best qualities of his father. Wherever he went and whomever he met, he would always represent his father. He gladly accepted the awesome responsibility because he devoutly loved his father and desired to honor him. Trembling with emotion, the son declared, “I am my father’s brand.”


For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:26 (NKJV)


The eulogy reminded me of our responsibility as believers in Jesus Christ. God gives us the special privilege of adopting us as His sons and daughters, when we confess and repent of our sins and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. What kind of God would grant us this status? Only One who loves us so much that He would send His only Son to live and die on the Cross, receiving the full punishment for of all my sins, past, present, and future. God loves me as much as He loves His Son, Jesus Christ. He is my heavenly Father.


I am my Father’s brand. I represent God’s character through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.


Thanks be to God for His indescribable love and mercy to me!


Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.