"Don't do something when God is writing the Bible!" (Hebrews 4:12)

“Don’t do something when God is writing the Bible!”

Pastor Ed Rea


I once heard a Pastor Ed Rea preach this. He was referencing King David who wrote many of the Psalms. David poured out his heart in his Psalms. I feel his anguish when he was pursued by his enemies. I share in his elation over his unabashed joy in worshipping God. And I hide my face in shame as I confront the depravities of my sins. David was a sinner, no different than myself. But my sins are not recorded in a book that would be read by billions of people for all eternity. His sins were laid bare and God used them to mold David into a great man of faith, a man after God’s own heart. God chose David to be His instrument and thus, many of his actions, godly and not, are recorded in the Bible.


For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two- edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12 (ESV)


I should live every moment of  my life with the knowledge that God is writing a book about me. In my case, however, it is not the Bible but the Book of Life. Through God’s grace and mercy, I am saved through my faith in Jesus Christ; my name is recorded in this solemn book. No action, no thought, and no emotion is hidden from Him-everything is recorded. I am not looking forward to someday face my Lord and relieve the innumerable sins I have committed. But thanks be to God through Jesus Christ, that His death and resurrection on the Cross has saved me from the punishment that I so richly deserve.


God is writing a book about me. But it is His Book, the Bible, that allows me to know how to live my life in obedience and faith to Him.


Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.