The Best of LA! (1 Timothy 1:17)

Every year, the Los Angeles Magazine puts out a splashy issue trumpeting, “The Best of the LA!” The entire issue is devoted to the “best of” whatever category the editors and writers deem worthy of mentioning and visiting in the greater Los Angeles area.

After reading this issue for many years, I decided that I had to see for myself how good the magazine's suggestions were. So about 10 years ago, I planned an entire day around some of these suggestions for my wife and I to enjoy. One such day started with the best croissants, followed by the best botanical garden, best tea house, best Korean wedding cake bakery, best foot massage, best french fries, best cappuccino, and best restaurant for a first date. Certainly a fun-filled day and worth repeating the next year! Subsequent outings have included best cajun food, best horseback riding, best spa, and best cheese store. Whether this was the best that LA has to offer was difficult to verify, but the choices were imaginative and eclectic.

When we read that something is the “Best of…”, we have to immediately question the source and its credibility. How many times do we pass a storefront with a sign blaring, “Voted Best Whatever”? Then when we visit the store, we are sorely disappointed.

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
1 Timothy 1:17

The Bible reminds us that the best life has to offer is found in Jesus Christ. We can trust the authenticity and credibility of the source. It is the testimony of the supreme and eternal God!

The best of L.A. It is a beautiful way to spend a day with one whom you love. But the best of life? It is the only way to spend with Jesus Christ.

Love and trust the Lord; seek His will in your life.