Welcome to Palos Verdes Baptist Church!
We are gathering online to worship and praise our God. This is a new format as our hearts are united this morning to worship our God in spirit and truth.
40 Days of Faith
We conclude the “Reckless Faith” series next Sunday. Do you have a faith story to share? We’d like to hear from you. Email secretary@pvbc.com. Sharing opportunity will be on Celebration Sunday, April 19.
Faith Stories
We praise God for the individuals sharing their Faith Story each week. Join in viewing the video or reading their stories online. Let us know if you have a faith story you would like to share with the church family.
Worship in Giving
Weekly tithes & offerings can be given online at: https://my.gobluefire.com/App/Giving/pvbcor by mailing a check to PVBC Administrative Office 4010 PV Dr. N. #101 RHE, CA 90274. God’s blessings on your generous giving to enable the ministries of our church.
Small Groups
Our Small Groups are meeting weekly by videoconference to encourage and share with one another. Join one today. Email secretary@pvbc.com to join.
Youth FNF – Fri. 4/10
Livestream with John to hear God’s word and join together in community. Invite your friends to join. Email John for the link.
Children’s Ministry – Sun. 4/12
Sunday School lessons for our little ones will be provided by video or printed lesson. Parents, enjoy this special time to teach and lead your children to love and trust Jesus.
Prayer Needs
Email your concerns and prayer needs to secretary@pvbc.com for our pastor and leaders to pray for you and your loved ones.
Weekly Updates
Are you receiving weekly emails about our church happenings? Join our email list by emailing a request to secretary@pvbc.com.
Daily Bread Devotionals
Daily devotionals can be accessed at odb.org
PVBC Family Retreat
Save the date for our annual all-church retreat at Tahquitz Pines in Idyllwild from Saturday September 5 to Monday September 7.
If you are interested in baptism or church membership, contact Pastor Ken or Debbie to find out when the next baptism or membership class is scheduled.